Effortlessly improve your putting by unlocking the data behind your stroke.
#Capto golf download
Charles’s knowledge and coaching experience allow him to blend the latest scientific research with a clear communication style to ensure simplicity and theory are aplenty. Download Capto Golf EZ and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. I believe that with the right fundamentals, every golfer is capable of putting like a tour player. I am a Level 2 Qualified Capto putting coach as well as a Certified Eyeline Elite coach.

When working with Charles it is not done by the clock, instead the emphasis is on creating a partnership and forming agreed targets with which progress is measured. I have devoted a large amount of time to studying the putting stroke over the past few years. Time is the greatest constraint on any golfer developing and succeeding. It is easy to use, highly accurate and very light. With 14 measurable statistics, the Capto EZ hones in on the key features of your putts. Why me?Ĭharles takes great care to acknowledge the individual client he’s working with at any given time, their journey in life and golf and how best he can assist them in their quest to get better. CAPTO is a putting analysis system composed by an high accuracy sensor and associated software. CAPTO Putting Analysis System £1,375. Effortlessly improve your putting by unlocking the data behind your stroke. Remove the guesswork from your training with data driven decisions, based on measured results within your practice and statistical data from your tournament results to ensure we leave no stone unturned in achieving those 1% marginal gains. Provide clear direction incorporating individualised practice plans and drills, so you can achieve results for the long term. Help you to establish your own feels and what works for you under tournament pressure so you can achieve your goals. ~ Kylie Pratt, LPGA Tour Caddie for (Hee Young Park).Turn often misunderstood concepts, negative results and movement patterns into simple self improvement steps that you will be able to do by yourself. Tour Professionals With over 25 world wide wins, Capto is used by the worlds best players to enhance their game. Antognolla Golf è lieto di annunciare l’inizio della collaborazione con CAPTO Precision Putting Technology, azienda leader nel campo delle tecnologie a servizio del golfista.
#Capto golf software
It uses advanced software to display the data intuitively and in real time. Capto golf is being used by the worlds leading universities and college golf teams, developing the next generation of world class golfers. I look forward to his lessons as his instructions also help me to become a better caddie for my golfer Hee Young Park. WHAT IS CAPTO GOLF Capto is a hi-tech and lightweight sensor that uses cutting edge technology to provide accurate, detailed and reliable data on the putting stroke.

Here with yurigoury we used a ghost hole to visualise the curvature speed. Instead try and focus on the speed you want you ball to travel on its curve or apex. I have been present at many of Andrew’s lessons and he communicates his teaching in a manner that any student of any nationality will be able to easily understand. So here’s a thought, instead of looking at where your aiming or the hole. During this time she has improved into a more consistent player, and she picked up her first win at the LPGA CME Titleholders Championship in November 2011.
#Capto golf portable
Lightweight, portable and easy to use in both indoor and outdoor settings. I am currently caddying for a Korean player Hee Young Park who has worked with Andrew since January 2011. Capto Golf a nd the Harrington Golf Academy your perfect putting partners Capto Golf. Andrews has worked with numerous LPGA and PGA Tour players, and his experience allows him to plan and structure his teachings on a long term basis. His technical knowledge of the swing is outstanding, and he is able to use many different analysis tools to help guide his players through their lessons. Nathan Leonhardt is located in Vancouver, America. I have been a LPGA Tour caddie for 7 years and have worked with 2 LPGA Players that have been instructed by Andrew Park. Nathan Leonhardt is a golf coach at The Tour Development Academy offering online golf lessons.