Geektool script
Geektool script

geektool script


Install package to a Mac, select it, logout and log back in, does it appear? Goto the DMG item, double click it and tick the FUT & FEU boxes on the 3rd tab, Options. Would love to see a post on setting correct Composer permissions. I've never seen anywhere that actually goes over permissions for Composer, I used root/admin for the GeekTool app & _unknown (99) for the rest as from what I've read that should make it inherit what already exists there. Setup the structure with these 4 files as per the pics & the permissions. Applications/ Helper.appģb. The Geeklet from /~Library/Preferences/ - .plistĪ per user LaunchAgent to make it fire at Login - which I created and contains the following (paste into TextWrangler, save as a. The settings from /~Library/Preferences/. I tried many different methods and scripts I. The app from /Applications - Anyway, I was able to sync my calendar events from my cell phone and display them on my desktop using GeekTool. subbing itsupport for your localadmin account. Using Composer, create a new Package by dragging in & setting up the following structure. So we need to use the Fill User Template and Fill Existing User directories options.ģa. In my case I want to make it apply to existing Accounts on Mac's and any new ones.


Open it up on your Mac and setup your geeklet, including the text, position, colour settings, and code for your displayed data.Įcho "Self Help: echo "Email IT Request: " "Įcho "Computer Name: " `scutil -get ComputerName `Įcho "IP Address: " `ifconfig en0 | grep "inet" | grep -v | grep -v inet6 | awk ''`.Here's a brief guide on the process I used, which works for me in my basic environment but probably not the ideal way todo it. I have just finished doing this for our Mac's. We have signs w the printer problems icon over the printers. :) We have signs in the labs that show the "Report Computer Problem" icon really large so they actually use it most of the time. I linked to a screenshot of what my shortcuts look like. The form indicates where to find the computer name and the results of the form go to the ticket system. How I have mine set up is with some desktop shortcuts that go straight to a web form to report problems. It seems useful for refreshing the widgets on command or with a Casper policy instead of just plugging in a refresh time in the actual GeekTool - You mentioned wanting a URL to the ticket system. The latest version of GeekTool allows you to use AppleScript to control it, which I've only just started playing with. I'm working on improving the system I use for status messages, but the computer name works well. I use GeekTool to print the computer name and any statuses messages I throw in a text file.

Geektool script