Edit As > Create New Edit As - Creates a new Edit As for all files with the same extension as the current file.Similarly, if the current Edit As is a hex-based Edit As the file is switched to a text-based Edit As. Edit As > Toggle Hex Edit As - If editing a file using a text-based Edit As, clicking this option chooses a hex-based Edit As to edit the file.The current Edit As is also displayed in the Status Bar and can be changed by clicking the Edit As name in the Status Bar. To create a new Edit As use the ' Create New Edit As' or ' View Edit As List' menu option. A check mark is placed beside the Edit As that is applied to the current file. Edit As > (Edit As List) - Shows a list of possible Edit As choices (see Using Edit As) that can be used to edit files.This section lists all available menu options in the View menu: The View Menu is also used to control which panels are displayed and controls options for the Tool Bars. Note that all Edit As options are saved automatically upon exit. By default, 010 Editor comes installed with a number of Edit As choices as displayed on the ' View > Edit As' menu however, a new Edit As can be created for different files based on the file name or extension. The View menu will display different options when a text-based Edit As is active as opposed to a hex-based Edit As because some options are only applicable to one type of Edit As.

When one of the Edit As options is modified, this affects all files that use that Edit As (except for the Endian and Word Wrap setting as discussed below). The Edit As (which includes the Font, Character Set, Linefeeds/Line Width, Tabs, Line Numbers/Addresses, Group By, Division Lines, Areas, Highlighting, Ruler, Mini Map and Status Bar) tells the program how each Editor Window should display data (see Using Edit As for more information). The View Menu is used for controlling the current Edit As. Installing Files on Open from the Repository.Using 010 Editor - Templates and Scripts.